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Witness is Key

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers as we gathered for the Southern Counties Baptist Conference in Cheltenham this past week. This was one of the largest gatherings of ministers, pastors and leaders in recent Southern Counties Conferences. There was a real sense of the Lord’s presence as we worshiped, shared and prayed.

One of the main messages to the churches was that small churches are not of themselves failing churches. Small churches give great opportunities to really be missionally involved in the community and can have a close fellowship where everybody knows and cares for each other. A key challenge is to be engaged and actively witnesses to good news of Jesus Christ rather than just expecting people to come to “our services” if they feel like it. Such churches are living growing churches whatever their size in numbers.

This morning we welcome Bryan Pill from MAF, an outreaching mission organisation, carrying the message of Jesus’ love where-ever the wings of an aeroplane can fly. We pray Bryan that you also will know God’s blessing on you as you lead and share with us this week.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor John.


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